Friday, October 25, 2019

Details of power source in circuits.

Now in this session details about power supply source, two type voltage source used in circuits one is the DC voltage source get it from battery another is AC voltage source from alternator they are independent power source.


           DC voltage is constant voltage source voltage not varies w.r.t. time and flow of electrons is unidirectional. Main source of DC voltage is battery, DC generator mainly used for electronics devices. We can also get DC voltage by converting AC voltage through converter discusses later.
(A)                                           (B)   
                                   In image A the direction of current flow from higher potential positive to lower potential negative and image B the DC voltage source not varies w.r.t. time voltage source is constant throughout the circuit. If the value of V(S) = 10 Volt DC then the constant 10 volt (dc) throughout the circuit, DC voltage source mainly used as low voltage application.

·         DC is constant voltage source and flow of electrons is unidirectional.
·         It is used for low voltage application.
·         Cannot step (up/ down) and transmitted long distance due to more cost.
·         We can convert DC voltage in to AC voltage through inverter.

SYMBOL -DC Power source


                      The AC voltage is main power supply source varies w.r.t time and flow of electrons bi-directional. We can also say AC voltage is variable power source. Such type power source get it from generator will be low and high voltage.

            In this image electrons first flow in (+V) positive direction after peak electrons flow in reverse and achieved (-V) peak in reverse direction means AC is a variable power source. We can generate the AC voltage through alternator Low voltage generation 220 or 440 volt and high voltage generation 11000 volt in power generating units. We can easily step up for transmission up to 440 k v through high voltage transmission line by using over head conductor discuss later.

·         AC is time varying power source and the flow of electrons in bi-directional.
·         It used high voltage transmission by using transmission line.
·         We can easily step (up/down) by using power transformers as desire.
·         AC voltage source use for high voltage application.
·         We can convert AC voltage into DC voltage using converter.

SYMBOL -AC Power source

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Introduction about basic circuit,voltage,current and resistance.

In previous,  we know the atom lost the free electrons constitutes an electric current that transfer from one atom to the next is flow along a conductor as known copper,aluminium etc.

A closed circuit allows an uninterrupted flow of electrons  from the source of power, through the conductor or wire, to the load and  source of power.The  basic circuit parameters, voltage, current, power, and resistance are interrelated.

In this image the power source battery, due to potential difference between positive charge (protons) and negative charge (electrons)  direction of the current flow towards more potential to less potential and bulb glow when circuit is closed.

             Voltage is the pressure from an electrical circuit's act as a power source that pushes charged electrons (current) through a conducting such as wire loop, enabling them to do work such as illuminating a light.We can also says voltage is the difference in electric potential between two places. It is measured in volts (V) also called electromotive force(EMF).

                      Electric current in simple terms are electrons in motion along a  conductor path such as copper, silver and aluminium , regardless of the number of electrons flowing. Free electrons can be forced to move from one region of the conductor to the other.It is measured in Ampere (A).


                            Resistance is the difficulty that electrons face as they flow inside a conductor (wire). A thin wire means that the electrons have little space to flow means resistance is more.In a thicker wire, there is more space for the electrons to move means resistance is less.It is measured in Ohm .(Ω).
                   A                                             B
We can easily understand water analogy   voltage, current and resistance.

Voltage (Pressure),Water (Charge),
Flow( Current)

 The water in the tank represents electric charge. The more water in there, the more the charge. Voltage is like pressure. The more the water, the higher the pressure (voltage) at the end of the pipe.

In the diagram (A) above, there is voltage  but no current, because the tap is closed and the water is not flowing also tap not open means resistance. This means there can be voltage without current, but no current without voltage.

In the diagram (B) above, the tap is opened means no resistance and water flows there is both voltage and current because there is a flow.

The relation between voltage,current and resistance is define by German physicist George Ohm applicable for DC circuit according to ohms law if you increase the voltage through a circuit whose resistance is fixed, the current goes up i.e.for a given resistance, current is directly proportional to voltage.

Voltage= Current× Resistance. V= I×R. V= voltage(Volt), I= current (Ampere) and R= resistance(Ohm).
Ohm law (V=I x R)

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Introduction an electricity.

Electricity is a energy source utilized by an electrical equipment. Electricity is meant for flow electrons present in all matter e.g.copper, aluminium. All matter is made up of atoms ,which has a center called a nucleus. In a nucleus contains protons charged positively  and uncharged  neutrons .The nucleus of an atom surrounded by negatively charged particles called electrons.In atom number of positively charged  protons is usually equal to the number negatively charged  electrons are balanced.If balancing force between protons and electrons is upset by an outside force i.e. applying voltage an atom may gain or lose an electrons.When an atom lost electrons is free to move constitutes an electric current.